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    ead and needle, i\'ll make the shroud.

    who will dig his grave? i, said the owl, with d shovel, i\'ll dig his grave.

    who will be the pan? i, said the rook, with my little , i\'ll be the pan.

    who will be the clerk? i, said the lark, if it\'s not in the dark, i\'ll be the clerk.

    who will carry the ? i, said the li, i\'ll fetch it in a minute, i\'ll carry the .

    who will be chief mourner? i, said the dove, i mourn for my love, i\'ll be chief mourner.

    who will carry theffin? i, said the kite, if it\'s not through the night, i\'ll carry theffin.

    who will bear the pall? we, said the w, both theck and the hen, we\'ll bear the pall.

    who will sing a psalm? i, said the thrush, as she sat on a bush, i\'ll sing a psalm.

    who will toll the bell? i, said the bull, beca i can pull, i\'ll toll the bell.


    to all itncerns, this notice apprs, the sparrow\'s for trial, at next bird assizes.


    do you want your robin?


    谁杀死了知更鸟, by 鹅妈妈的童谣

    第79章 一个听天由命的结果







